Monday, May 04, 2009

Culinary Delights

While taking in a film last night with our friends Lucas and Leah, we all heard unfamiliar noises of The Neighbors taking out their trash, probably for the first time since moving in.

The best way to meet people is to rummage through their trash, or so it says in my spy magazines.  (Note To Male College Students:  This also works when trying to "score babes.")

Unfortunately for me, by the time I made it outside this morning the speedy City of Philadelphia rubbish brigade had already puttered up our block.  What I did find:  two empty cans of tuna-style fish and one flat, rectangular box labeled "Delicious Pizza."

If my camera didn't run on sixteen AA batteries I might have snapped a photo.

1 comment:

  1. I have an insight. Lucas is a fantastic name.

