Saturday, April 24, 2010

Thanks For the Memories (And The Mammaries, Five Drinks)

Upon arriving home from Super Secret and Mischeivious Doings About Town, I just saw the following:

No, not the red Saturn. Look again, superguy.


/blink blink

The Neighbors = HEREBY EVICTED

Really, you guys!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But for why why why why? It has to be related to the recent visit from the heat, right? The imagination soars, my eyes become glassy and the jokes ferment.

I bet you're wondering if I took any more photos? Well, you bet your fuggy ass I did!!!!

So, that's just about it, huh? Leading scientists, historians and theologians will doubtlessly debate the actual cause for eviction in the coming decades. Meanwhile, Wolfgang and I will doubtlessly revel in the peace and/or quiet. Perhaps we'll play Scrabble.

Oh, does anyone out there want to buy their couch?