Friday, April 24, 2009

I'd Be Interested To Hear What Jim Cantore Has To Say

With high temperatures in the 80s and 1Prime vacated this weekend, the neighbors will probably see fit to pull out all the proverbial stops in pursuit of abject hilarity.  A Bonnaroo of Absurdity will commence, with much of the same hygienic practices usually reserved for Tennessee being observed on the other side of the fence.

I consumed 14 oatmeal raisin cookies to reach a level of Nirvana whereby I would be able to accurately predict what will transpire this weekend.  Without any further ado:

-they will curse at their progeny
-random automobiles will arrive at all hours of the day and/or night
-pets will bark, yip, yelp and/or bray repeatedly
-they will "Get their Goose on"
-Wolfgang's Speaker Bedroom will broadcast some of the finest Top 40 hip-pop music known to mankind
-Helga will quit smoking ...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
-they will film a porno remake of the movie "Alive," subtitled "Eat This Meat."

Back on Sunday afternoon to once again carry the cumbersome torch of Neighborly Observation.  Maybe they'll cut our grass.

1 comment:

  1. If they're "getting their Goose on" I hope they invite Maurice Clarett over. Although, that means they'll have to bring in more semi-automatic weapons which probably isn't good for you two. Godspeed.
